Artcrank Artist Profile: Workhorse

Abe Garcia and TJ Cichecki run Workhorse, a design studio based in Capitol Hill. After moving from Illinois to DC in 2012 TJ quickly ditched his single-speed set-up for some gears to make the climb up to his home in Columbia Heights. 

TJ prepares a screen for printing. Abe credits their studio as a source of inspiration, "it’s great to share space with other artists and craftspeople and see the cool things other people are creating." 

Sketches for TJ's "Political Machine," a print inspired by Rube Goldberg style illustrations. 

While TJ and Abe predominately work designing websites and apps, they welcome projects like Artcrank as an opportunity to try new things and produce physical work.  

The screen printing table was built with the help of another studio-mate. They table allows them to experiment with personal projects and make prints for themselves and friends. 

Connect with TJ and Abe:  and @wrkhrsco on social everywhere