Brompton on the Road


Event is sold out, but you can come test ride Bromptons anytime at our shops. Also join us 6pm Mondays at 440 K for #foldingthunder ride with demo Bromptons available. We're planning to do more Brompton overnight demos in the future. Sign up for news about upcoming Brompton events: 

Brompton is going #OnTheRoad all summer long in the US, and they're coming to DC!

We're offering you the chance to borrow a Brompton for a day so you can see how well it fits into your daily routine. Ride it to work; stow it in your trunk; bring it on mass transit; take it on a lunch ride to run errands. See how easily it folds up and how well it fits in your office, your home, the coffee shop or the pub.

When you come to pick up your bike, Brompton staff will be onsite to answer any questions you may have. Pick ups will run from 1 to 7pm.

It's absolutely free, so come borrow one and see why a Brompton bike is Made For You.